Is your boss telling you that you need to add AI but not telling you what for, why or how? Don’t worry, you’re not alone and you’re not the only one. Let’s see what AI can do for you.
You’ve only got so many resources and you want to maximise your profit or minimise your costs. How are you going to figure out what to do? Prolog with CLP(fd) of course!
When developing SPA applications using SWI-Prolog on the backend, Cross-Origin Resource Serving (CORS) can cause you all kinds of bother. In this post we look at how to develop your SPA on a single Origin, like how you’ll serve it in production, so all that bother vanishes away.
Using Tau-Prolog to generate chord inversions for 3 and 4 string fretted instruments: an application.
There are occasions when working with some generative predicate where you don't know when you need to quit the generation until some condition fails. Trouble is, you'll fail with no chance of future success but you're now lost in an infinite loop as the generator keeps on trying. In this post we'll work through a blog pagination example and show how to use a dirty little trick with a cut.